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Bridegroom Ministries International is dedicated to preparing the Body of Christ to receive their soon coming King. I see so many Christians struggling in their lives and becoming disillusioned with their spirituality.


The following is a synopsis of what I will be sharing on my upcoming broadcasts. I have also provided a link at the bottom of the page for those who are interested in securing more information on these subjects.


1. In every age, in every decade, God has had a goal or plan that he wants to achieve and that, of course, includes enabling His body to perceive that plan and to have an intimate relationship with Him, so that through us, He may carry out that plan. However, I am discovering that many people never come to knowledge of that plan during their lifetimes.


2. Is there going to be an event called the “Rapture” or what is referred to as a “Catching Away”, where people all over the earth disappear? If so who will be the participants in that event? Will it be all Christians? Will it be just people who go to church and call themselves Christians, or is there a particular remnant that will be involved here? Where does that word even come from?


3. Are we in the “Last Days” or are we just in another phase that is going to go on for eons?


4. What or who is what is stated in the Bible as “The Bride of Christ”? Is it the same as “The Church” or is it a separate group of people within the Body of Christ, and if so who and what is it composed of and how can I am certain that I am included in this event?


5. Does God heal in a miraculous way today and if so how come I am not healed? Does God just pick and chose whom He desires to heal or can everyone who is sick and infirm receive healing today and how can one walk in divine health?


6. If I have received Jesus as my Messiah and Savior is there more that I can receive while I am here on earth or do I have to wait to get to heaven to be blessed and walk in power?


7. How can I discover what the specific plan of God is for my life?

8. Can I actually hear from God or is prayer just a one way speaking engagement in which I tell Him all my problems or give some praise occasionally?


These are just some of the issues I will be covering on my program and sharing on my Web Site. I sincerely appreciate your comments and concerns so if you wish to communicate with me, i.e. questions, statements and prayer requests, please use the contact page and send me a brief message about your situation and I’ll be happy to assist you in finding what you are seeking.


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