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Minister Asbill









My Background


I have been and Estate Planning Attorney, now retired, from 1978 to 2018, and also have a Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology (see education below). In the past I have worked extensively in the field of Marriage, Family and Child Counseling and through the gifts of the Holy Spirit, was enabled to help and assist many others to a total recovery. 


When I received the call of God on my life, we came under attack from Satan.  My wife was hospitalized several times in seven years and I almost lost her on several occasions.  In addition, I also developed health issues, but now I consider this was a great opportunity (James 1:2-4) as I learned how to apply the Word of God to receive health and healing in these areas.


I became addicted to cigarettes, drugs and alcohol in my late-teens to early-twenties and have, by the grace of God our Father (since I learned how to apply the principals of the Word), been restored and delivered from all of these things over 32 years ago. Through experience I learned how to hear from God on a daily basis and to understand He is always with me to lead me and direct me through and out of all circumstances as I yield myself to Him.


​My Mission and Focus


​It is my desire to bring the message to the Body of Christ that we are coming to a time in the history of the world like no other, as many are beginning to discern. However, I find that few in the body are truly aware, especially in the United States where the grace of God has been poured out more than any nation in history, just what this means to us.


​I believe we as a body are going to go through what I consider the most challenging times in the history of the world to date. The air waves are pervaded with ministers and preachers that are giving us false hope -- that somehow the Lord is going to come down and “spare” us from any kind of “hard times”, etc.  Now, I believe we’re also coming into a time of one of the greatest outpourings of the Spirit of God that has yet to happen on this planet, but along with this there is going to be persecution. In the words of our Lord in John 16:33 “…..In the world you will have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world”. We can already see this happening around the world, and beginning even in this county as we see the beginning of “a falling away” as mega churches are preaching false doctrine and once enlightened and gifted ministries have become filled with greed and using their God-given anointing to heap wealth to themselves, but nothing like what we are going to see. We are coming into an age of deception that will challenge the most dedicated believer, just read 1st and 2nd Thessalonians, and if we are not truly rooted and grounded in our relationship with our Lord, many will be deceived. My mission is to bring a message to the body that “The Bridegroom is Coming, awake and trim your lamps” and prepare ourselves for His return.


​My History


​My life, as I say, is a testimony to the unmitigated grace of God. Due to my background it has taken most of my adult life to overcome my early childhood circumstances, but God has been faithful to heal me and direct me as I have yielded to Him.


​I have been an Estate Planning Attorney as a professional since 1978 and also have a Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology (see education below). In the past I have worked extensively in the field of Marriage, Family and Child Counseling, and in the field of alcohol and drug rehabilitation. I discovered I have a God given gift to work with people in these areas and have been able to assist many to emotional and physical healing.


​My wife, Emily, and I have endured our share of trials in life which have tested our faith and caused us to grow in the Lord. My wife was hospitalized five times in seven years and I almost lost her on several occasions, but by the grace of our Lord she has recovered.

​Several years ago my thirty year old son was burned to death in a tragic automobile accident. This was my most traumatic experience to date. Then, in December of 2016, we were notified that my wife's oldest daughter suddenly passed away.  However, the Lord through His grace, mercy and power, enabled my wife and I to get through these experiences. I will say that until a person experiences these types of loss, it is difficult to understand the debilitating effects they can have and also what the grace of God is really all about. I know that many have also experienced similar situations, if not worse. There is always someone else that has gone through more than you have, though at times this doesn’t seem possible, but pain is pain and when it happens to you it appears that you are the only one that feels the way you do.


​I have discovered my relationship with Jesus my Messiah has been the one single factor that has enabled me to endure and persevere and, though these experiences are totally shocking and are emotionally wounding at the time, through the Lord's grace and the Ministry of the Holy Spirit we have experienced tremendous healing...not that we don't miss our loved ones, but the Lord gives us the ability to be delivered from the tremendous pain of loss knowing they are with the Lord.


​I was called into the ministry, or rather I should say drafted into it, as it was not my intention or desire to pursue this field, but out of the blue the Lord put me in a place where I was speaking in a church as the Pastor asked me to, in what was called Sunday School in a small church of about 100 people but, after a few months this turned into a first service.


​My childhood was not a pleasant one. My father was an alcoholic, I was molested by a neighbor man when approximately five years of age. I became addicted to cigarettes, drugs and alcohol in my late teens-early twenties and have, by the grace of God our Father, been restored and delivered from all of these things over 32 years ago. Some took longer than others but I have been free from all these addictions for more than thirty five years now and in going through these experiences I learned much about myself -- it was actually a turning point in my life as I learned that I had to trust and lean on the Lord for everything.

​On a positive note, going through this process of recovery has enabled me to understand and assist others. I don’t believe our Lord “makes” these things happen but as it is written in Romans 8:28 “All things work together for good to them that love the Lord and are called to His purpose”.  I learned He was always there to lead me through and out of all circumstances as I yield myself to Him.


​My Education


​I was graduated from Western State University College of Law in 1976 and have been a member of the California State Bar in good standing since that time and still have an office in California.


​   -- Received a Masters Degree in Counseling in 1988 from National University in Sacramento, California.


   -- A minister of the Gospel for over two decades.


Bridegroom Ministries


Bridegroom Ministries International was established several years ago and is considered to be exempt from taxation and receiving tax credit for contributions to the ministry under current IRS regulations as stated in the application form 1023 and other explanatory tax bulletins regarding this issue.


Blessings to you all,


Larry L. Asbill


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